Monday, August 13, 2012

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Considered and reported to the Great Council of Chiefs to respond to as a delaying tactic.
On the sign on the eastern territory, the Northwest has proposed a compromise solution, it is a hundred miles west of Ulan set crossed levy eastern part of the undefended area is still vested in the Law humble people, but may not reside Luo base troops Luo base troops can only be stationed in Ulan set 200 miles outside the region, and 200 miles within the scope of the deployment of troops more than five hundred people to be pre-informed of the north-west of Ulan set the garrison, the Northwest Army only in black symbolic lan set to retain a division garrison fled herdsmen can freely return to their original grazing land the Ulan set as the original sign of the eastern part of the core to implement the Northwest and opening up policy, welcome Northwest businessmen to invest and establish factories to Ulan set, the collection of tax rate to enjoy equal treatment with the Luo base.
Doni away with a satisfied and a trace of doubt, the contract is successfully concluded he was very pleased, but the Northwest generous he was a little worried about, but in general, this negotiation is reassuring, at least to The Great Council of Chiefs and a much-anticipated Lord of the nobles to produce a satisfactory answer.
To get rid of the Law of base issues in relation to turn to those who act recklessly Figure cloth, and let Luo humble person does not mean that we should let the people of Figure cloth as an accomplice, this accomplice of Although Figure cloth people what actually did not help, but their third Northwest war nfl big unhappy to tell the truth, nfl originally did not expect to Figure cloth even dare to this hand, how will he really do not understand the headman of Figure cloth stupid to the point where hastily betting bet, did not analyze the situation under the premise that speed connection phrase gambling aphorism believe Figure cloth people understand the courage to battle gambling, lost, it would need to pay the bet.
Figure cloth sent messengers begging did not play any role, and later the nfl and Su, wind, etc. and even refused to interview their messengers, and the Star of the Northwest and North Luzon Express reporters edit their behest,fake oakley, is also a wonderful pen flower, great length to those in Figure cloth this a few years in all aspects from the northwest development of the economy to obtain the interests of the eleven enumerated, in exchange for what? the construction of traffic to a few years ago the northwest rope in Figure cloth to deal with the unpaid the Luo humble people give money and material assistance, and its level of detail for the nfl to read this story Security Agency could not help but want to say in what The guy is exactly what local means by which to get such detailed information.
Even the trend of integration of the North Luzon Express Figure cloth bilateral non-governmental exchanges have become more frequent and increasingly close ties, while those who only know to grab the private interests of the upper class but disregarded the ethnic interests,cheap oakley sunglass, flagrant collusion with Figure cloth long-term rival Luo base behind the most in need of support in the northwest stabbing intent to destroy all of this hard-won achievements, West

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