Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Pound Tadakatsu also felt the front of this man is not pushovers. Moment humble smiles: Thus, the Sino-Japanese bilateral negotiations will be in Zhiyuan on the small conference room held. As being Zhu Shun water and Sakai Tadakatsu sit in the meeting both ends of the table is sitting in the left-hand side of the Sakai Tadakatsu in Lehi, led by Fang Junguan sitting in the right-hand side is the Japanese side of the envoys of the two sides after some polite greeting Gong Zixuan first to a treaty that handed the Sakai Tadakatsu Road: The latest terms. hope your country can quickly give us the corresponding response. Sakai Tadakatsu nodded and took the Treaty open carefully read, I saw his brow gradually screwed together a long while before a treaty together slightly warm anger,nfl tebow jersey, said: too many times to bring the treaty difference it! just compensation on the original 300 million taels of silver and what added to the 30 million taels of silver and also how to add open Shimonoseki, Kobe requirements. this too inconsistent. Is your country's sincerity,cheap nfl nhl jerseys! After listening to Sakai Tadakatsu protest the Gong Zixuan smiled and replied: but your country to give the reply is too let us down. not only without trial and execution of our nationals. and also rude rejected the friendly advice of our. replies country book more humiliation on our country's Prime Minister adults, so we can only choose the way to solve the problem. in virtually increase the cost of our country. Therefore, compensation should increase. cobble together. Tokugawa generals have accepted the credentials of the heavenly. As to open the port of Shimoda, Hakodate General also agreed to only heavenly about the founding of the requirements is at stake. the shogunate get to the court and princes inquiry ' founding 'views on the job after all, the Tokugawa generals only emperor appointed general some things he had no right to decide another heavenly the Shimonoseki requirements related to the Choshu clan Tokugawa generals urge the Celestial give some grace. believe to the next spring will give Heavenly a satisfactory answer. Zhu Shunshui with Gong Zixuan and Lee Hai-Hu Wang Sakai Tadakatsu's request one. Found that the attitude of the two is still very tough. Did not mean to regress in the heart sigh breath after a severe tone said to Sakai Tadakatsu: days harder. Could it be that the Tokugawa generals can only decide the closed country can not decide the founding? If the truth adults said Tokugawa generals do not live in that opinion is it necessary to piggyback on the port of Nagasaki, Western friends together to go to Kyoto to find your Imperial Majesty the Emperor to discuss the matter. Faced with the threat of water Zhu Shun Sakai Tadakatsu suddenly gasped out cold

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